ABATE Green Mountain State

A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments


What is ABATE?

The letters “ABATE” stand for A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments

ABATE is composed of motorcyclists from all areas of the state, from all walks of life, who ride all makes of motorcycles. ABATE is not a club, it is a politically active organization working on motorcyclists rights.

We are affiliated with national rights groups like the American Motorcyclists Association (AMA), the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).

Our main focus is to keep motorcycle legislation in its proper perspective. Many restrictive laws are enacted by uninformed legislators. ABATE’s goal is to keep our lawmakers informed of our members collective position on motorcycle related legislation. Preventing unfair legislation from becoming law is easier than fighting to get the law repealed.

Rider education and public awareness of motorcyclists are goals of ABATE. We are not against the wearing of helmets and we encourage all riders to ride safely. Helmet laws do nothing to prevent an accident and a helmet only provides the illusion of safety, while rider education is proven to prevent accidents and save lives.